6. Lists

6.1. Enumerated / Ordered

Orderderd lists start with any of:


To use roman numerals in lists, start list with any of:


For alphabets, start list with any of:


For subsequent entries, use #. or #) as appropriate.

An example of an enumerated/ordered list

When the write with the following reStructuredText markup / syntax:

#. 2012
    a) January
    #) February
        i. Monday
        #. Tuesday
    #) March
    #) April
    #) May
#. 2013

The |rst| text written above is generated/rendered as shown below:

  1. 2012
    1. January

    2. February
      1. Monday

      2. Tuesday

    3. March

    4. April

    5. May

  2. 2013

6.2. Bulleted / Un-Ordered

Unordered lists start with any of:


An example of an bulleted/un-ordered list

When the write with the following reStructuredText markup / syntax:

* 2012 / January
    + Monday
        - 10:00 : breakfast
        - 13:00 : Lunch
* 2012 / February
    + Tuesday
        - 10:45 : late breakfast
        - 15:00 : very late lunch

The |rst| text written above is generated/rendered as shown below:

  • 2012 / January
    • Monday
      • 10:00 : breakfast

      • 13:00 : Lunch

  • 2012 / February
    • Tuesday
      • 10:45 : late breakfast

      • 15:00 : very late lunch

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