11. Text Substitution / ReplacementΒΆ
When the write with the following reStructuredText
markup / syntax:
.. |u| replace:: **Ratatouille**
.. |t| replace:: :samp:`reStructuredText`
|u| is heavily dependent on |t|. It is so
easy to wrongly mix capitalization on |t| or
make spelling mistake in |u|. Even more when
the book itself is about |u|. But thanks to
substitution feature of |t|, we are saved.
The |rst| text written above is generated/rendered as shown below:
Ratatouille is heavily dependent on reStructuredText
. It is so easy to wrongly mix capitalization on reStructuredText
or make spelling mistake in Ratatouille. Even more when the book itself is about Ratatouille. But thanks to substitution feature of reStructuredText
, we are saved.
See more at
Substitution Definitions in
Markup Specification.Replacement Text in
Directives.Unicode Text in