7. Notes, Warnings, Tips, info section¶
7.1. Informaiton cases¶
When the write with the following reStructuredText
markup / syntax:
.. note:: Note for the user
Some details for this note.
- Item 1
- Item 2
.. tip:: Tip for the user
.. hint:: Hint for the user
.. important:: Important for the user
The |rst| text written above is generated/rendered as shown below:
Note for the user
Some details for this note.
Item 1
Item 2
Tip for the user
Hint for the user
Important for the user
7.2. Warning cases¶
When the write with the following reStructuredText
markup / syntax:
.. warning:: Warning for the user
.. attention:: Attention for the user
.. caution:: Caution for the user
The |rst| text written above is generated/rendered as shown below:
Warning for the user
Attention for the user
Caution for the user
7.3. Error cases¶
When the write with the following reStructuredText
markup / syntax:
.. danger:: Danger for the user
.. error:: Error for the user
The |rst| text written above is generated/rendered as shown below:
Danger for the user
Error for the user
7.4. Special Cases¶
If Tip, info, warning, etc. are not enough, you can use admonitions.
When the write with the following reStructuredText
markup / syntax:
.. admonition:: By The Way..
If you can not see how it fits tips, warning, etc.
you can use admonition as well.
The |rst| text written above is generated/rendered as shown below:
By The Way..
If you can not see how it fits tips, warning, etc. you can use admonition as well.
7.5. Read More¶
See more at
Admonitions in